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1. Team Captain Responsibilities


As a Team Captain, you are to know polices and rules of Ashbridges Bay League and ensure that your teammates are aware of these policies and rules. As the Team Captain, you are responsible for your own first aid for the for the safety of your teammates. You are to carry a list of emergency contact numbers for players on your team. In the event of an injury or emergency, these numbers can be utilized to notify the player’s family. As the Team Captain, you must ensure that all of your teammates have signed their League Waiver via the MRS registration system online.


2. Waivers


It is mandatory that every player signs a waiver for every season played. Players will receive a link via email once they are added to a team.  Captains must ensure all players have signed their electronic waiver before the first night.  Waivers are only valid for the season played in.


3. Unsportsmanlike Conduct


Aggressive, offensive or violent behaviour during play and non-play times on the Ashbridges beach is not acceptable. Any instance of players failing to comply with this will be documented by a League Coordinator and face the following consequences:

  • First Incident – Player/Team will receive a formal warning

  • Second Incident – Player ejected from the Game

  • Third Incident – Player ejected from league without refund for that season.

Note: Based on the severity of the incident, the League Manager has the right to eject a player or team after the first incident.

4. Alcohol


Consuming alcoholic beverages during league play is not permitted. If a team is found with alcohol on site, they will be ejected from the league, without a refund.

5. First Aid


(a) In the case of any injury, the League Manager and/or Coordinator will assess the seriousness of the injury and with the consent of the injured player, assist with first aid or call 911. An Incident Report will be filled out for all injuries by the League Manager and witnessed by a League Coordinator. The League Manager reserves the right to refuse a player the right to continue play based on the severity of the injury.

(b) Blood Injury – Any player who is bleeding must leave the court immediately. This player can return to play when the bleeding has stopped, is sufficiently covered or based on the discretion of the League Manager.

Note: A basic First Aid kit will be available at the beach for league play.

6. Reporting Scores


It is the duty of the Team Captain submit the final scores via the online scoring tool on MyTeam.Click. League operators will not contact teams for missing scores; scores not received will be recorded as losses for both teams. 


7. Results & Tie Breakers


Winning percentage will be used as the primary ranking criteria. If there are ties, the League Manager will use point differential to break the ties. If these two (2) criteria do not break the tie, Total Points For will be the next tie breaking criteria.


8. Defaulting League Games


Teams not having the required number of players per team will receive a default for that match. It will be left to the discretion of the opposing team if they allow the defaulting team to continue to play and count the scores. The opposing team must declare their decision prior to the start of play. If the opposing team chooses not to play the defaulting team, the defaults scores to be submitted will be 3-0.

Playing against a team with less than the required number of players does not entitle a team to a refund; however, teams showing up with less than the required players for three (3) nights of play will be dismissed from the league, without a refund.

Teams are requested to notify the League Manager in advance, if they know they would be unable to play on a certain night(s).


9. Divisions of Play


The League Manager has the authority to shift a team or individual up or down from one division to the next based on their level of ability compared to that of the division they signed up for. For example, the League Manager will move a team down a division if their skill level is lower then what is required for that division or vice versa.


10. Inclusion Policy


At the Ashbridges Bay Beach Volleyball League, we are committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment for all participants. Our league upholds the principles set forth in the Ontario Volleyball Association (OVA) policies, including the OVA Diversity & Inclusion Policy, OVA Trans Inclusion Policy, and the OVA LGBTQ2S+ Policy.


In alignment with these policies, we emphasize the following:


  • Respect and Dignity: Every participant, regardless of their background or identity, deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Discrimination, harassment, and exclusionary behaviors will not be tolerated.

  • Gender Identity and Expression: Trans and Non-Binary identified individuals are welcome to play in the category and represent as the gender they identify as. This includes the right to use facilities and participate in activities that correspond with their gender identity.

  • Inclusivity in Competition: All participants have the right to compete in a safe and supportive environment. We encourage open communication and understanding among players, coaches, officials, and spectators to ensure that everyone feels valued and included.


By adhering to these principles, the Ashbridges Bay Beach Volleyball League strives to create a vibrant and diverse community where everyone can enjoy the sport of volleyball. We invite all participants to join us in promoting inclusivity and equality both on and off the court.


For more information on our inclusion policies, please refer to the OVA Diversity & Inclusion Policy, OVA Trans Inclusion Policy, and OVA LGBTQ2S+ Policy available on the Ontario Volleyball Association’s website.


11. Rosters


Teams may add players onto their roster during the season. They must register them properly online and sign off on waivers before they are allowed to play in their first match (if they are added after the 2nd night of play for that season). To play in the playoffs, players must have attended a minimum of three (3) regular season games for that team.


12. Inclement Weather Policy


As beach volleyball is an outdoor sport, all our beach leagues will run, rain or shine. Only in EXTREME, EXCEPTIONAL (e.g. lightning/flooding) and unpredicted weather circumstances, will play be cancelled. All cancellations will occur onsite at the beach.

On days when play is in question due to the weather, the best way to stay up to date with weather updates is by following  @ashbridgesvb on twitter or like our Fan Page on Facebook. If games are cancelled at any point, messages will be posted on both Twitter, Facebook and an email will be sent to the captain of each team. If you need further information please call the weather hotline at (416) 426-7300. If you do not hear a game cancellation message, proceed to the beach. Please do not leave a message asking to be called back about play for that night as the line is not manned after 4:30 pm.

Due to the drastic change of the weather coming off the lake we reserve the right to make the final call on games at 6:45pm, but should any cancellations be confirmed prior to that, we will communicate through the various methods listed above.

If less than 30% of registered teams show up on a given night due to bad weather, scores will not be counted for that week. Make up games are not guaranteed and there will be no refunds or credit for missed games due to inclement weather.


13. Refunds/Registration Policy


(a) Registration Cancellation

All cancellations are required to be received in writing and submitted by the Team Captain to the OVA Beach manager.
All cancellations are subject to a minimum 10% administrative fee if cancelled before the registration deadline.
All cancellations requested after the registration deadline but before the start of league are subject to a 25% cancellation fee.
No refunds or credit are provided once the league has started.

Note: Playing against a team with less than the required number of players does not entitle a team to a refund; however, teams showing up with lesser than required players for 3 play nights will be dismissed from the league without a refund, as per the Default policy. There will be no refunds or credit for missed games due to weather.

(b) Registration Changes

Team Captains may request a change from one division or night to another by submitting a change request, in writing to the OVA Beach Manager. Change requests may take up to five (5) business days to process. Please note, we cannot guarantee requests.

Change requests will only be allowed in the first two (2) weeks of the season; if accepted, the change request will be subject to a $25 administration fee. Once a change request has been granted, the Team Captain must phone the OVA Beach Manager at 416-426-7300 with a valid credit card to process the fee change; the $25 administration fee will also be charged at this time.

The League Manager can change individual players and teams to another division or play night if required, based on his/her discretion; in the event of such a change, the Team Captain will be informed of the same in advance of the move.


14. Contact Information


League Organizers will not provide any personal information to anyone without written consent from the individual. It is the responsibility of the teams to exchange information among themselves.

League Organizers respect the privacy of visitors to the website and participants in the league. All information collected at this site is kept strictly confidential and is only used for the purpose specified. Information will not be sold, reused, rented, loaned, or otherwise disclosed. There is no distribution of information to third parties. Your email address and mailing address may be used to send you information about volleyball. If you do not wish to receive any mailings from the Ashbridges Bay Beach Volleyball, kindly contact us at


15. Prizing


Prizes will be awarded to the first place playoff championship team of each pool, following their last playoff game. All teammates must be present at the awards tent to receive their prizes. Prize packages are allocated at the sole discretion of the OVA and substitutions or exchanges may not be available.


16. Minimum Age Requirement


All players must be 18 years of age or older.


17. No Smoking


Smoking on any kind on or beside the volleyball courts, at or inside the equipment shed at Ashbridges Bay and Woodbine Beach is not permitted.


18. Authority of League Management Team


The League Manager & League Coordinators comprise the onsite management team and they have the final authority with regards to, but not limited to, the venue, scheduling, placement, scores, league rules and policies; all participants and onlookers/bystanders are required to respect their decisions and requests.

Players or spectators behaving in a manner that is rude, offensive or abusive will face dismissal from the venue, team, or league and not be entitled to any refund. Foul language and inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated by the onsite management team.

The League reserves the right to add, delete or change any rules, regulations or policies if it improves the quality of the league or safety of the participants. If any changes are made, the league captains will be notified.


19. Playoffs


All league teams are eligible to participate in the playoffs. The playoff format will be explained to all players at the start of play. To be eligible to participate in the playoffs, players must have played a minimum of three (3) games that season, for that team and be registered on the team roster.

Participants cannot participate on two (2) different teams in the same division on the same night during the playoffs (Example: John cannot play with his team and sub with another team during the playoffs).


20. Privacy Statement


League players require prior approval from the OVA to contact any other player(s) regarding any promotional or marketing initiative/offer. Failure to comply with this policy will result in being removed from the league without a refund.


21. Disclosure


Players consent to the OVA collecting and using personal information about them for the purpose of registration and providing beach volleyball services, registration with Volleyball Canada, receiving communications from the Ontario Volleyball Association and Beach Blast with regard to programs, events, promotions and sponsorships, and posting articles of interest, newsletters, promotions, rosters, statistics, images and results on the Ontario Volleyball Association’s and Beach Blast’s website.

Furthermore, they grant permission to the Ontario Volleyball Association and Beach Blast to photograph and/or record my image and/or voice on still or motion picture film and/or audio tape, and to use this material to promote the Ontario Volleyball Association and Beach Blast through the media of newsletters, websites, television, film, radio, print and/or display form. The audio/visual material and copyright will remain the sole property of the OVA Beach Blast and players waive any claim to remuneration for use of audio/visual materials used for these purposes.

The OVA and Beach Blast will not sell or distribute personal information to any other third party not listed herein.


22. Daily Match Schedules


All schedules will be available online here. If required, due to unforeseen, exceptional or extraordinary situations, the OVA is entitled to lessen play time on any given night of play, without prior notice.


23. Registration and Payment


When a Team Captain registers their team, they must provide the fist name, last name and email address for each player listed on their roster. Fraudulent names and false email addresses are not acceptable and if incorrect information is entered, there will be a $25 administration fee to correct the information.

Payment is due in full, via a credit card only (MasterCard of Visa) during the online registration process. If the credit card is declined and the order is not processed, your team is not guaranteed a spot in the League Division or night of your choice if the League fills up. If you require any changes to your team roster, please contact the OVA Beach Manager.

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